One Super Bowl. Millions of social media interactions. How do you sort, find and follow? It’s here: One page. Take a look at Crowdynews 2015 Super Bowl social stream. All you could imagine, and need, in one spot. Automated, aggregated, complete. Easy and fast to launch. Not a resource drain. Proven way to make money […]
At the intersection of news and social media
The wonderful, wild, wide-open nature of social media leaves the door wide open for discourse of any kind – rude, nasty, sharing, loving, informative, political, connective, entertaining, persuasive…story-telling of any kind. All of it has an audience, large, small, gigantic. Newspapers, how are you gathering that audience, the news that can be filtered from the […]
Facebook’s Newswire: Where do publishers fit?
No doubt publishers and editors reading recent reports of Facebook’s Newswire strategy on Poynter and other media sites, had one of two thoughts: 1. Wow, wonder what that will be? 2. Wow, wonder what that means for me? Too early to answer either one intelligently. As with many things, time will tell, though this one […]
‘Avoid shiny objects’
A publisher colleague of mine, noting my collection of gimme bags that now help me avoid the “paper or plastic question” at the grocery store, asked how many national conventions/conferences have passed in front of my eyes over the years in the newspaper industry. Never thought of it that way, but let’s say conservatively 40. […]
Добро пожаловать, олимпийцы
That would be: Welcome, Olympians. Speak Russian? Try this site: Speak English? Try this site: And keep an eye on the Dutch team’s Olympics site – And: The common link between these three presentations, beside the Olympics? Each uses technology from Dutch company Crowdynews to aggregate all varieties of social media […]
Social media with a sledgehammer
There are sleepier TV markets, but Savannah still has to rank as one of the quieter TV spots in the country. Isolated from Atlanta, along the Southeast Georgia coast, a beautiful, bustling town, but not the big city. When living there decades ago, I recall a top local station leading the news with Cap’n Sandy, […]
One success of Patch
Yes, perhaps a strange headline to type as AOL continues to struggle with profitability for its ambitious hyperlocal Patch operation. Yes, perhaps a strange headline to type after open-mike oddities during a recent staff call announcing cutbacks. And, sure, some folks love to chortle on Facebook when they find the occasional very, very local, nonsensical […]
Student media faces same industry challenges
On March 1, in Austin at a meeting of the Texas Student Media board, there will be a discussion about cutting publication days of the 113-year-old Daily Texan, always one of the best collegiate papers in the U.S. Okay, you say, some non-student papers are moving to reduced publication. But those drastic steps are taken […]
After the cat video, how ’bout some literature?
Yes, I like cat and dog videos on the web, the Stones and Ray Charles from the 60s, Willie, Waylon and Jerry Jeff from any era. As a journalist, anything news-related, and as a media consultant, anything newsy, new tech or build-a-great digital-businesss-related. And, oh yes, George Takei and My Prozac Moment on Facebook. But […]
Real-time advertising, as fast as a news bulletin
When the lights went out on the Super Bowl at start of the third quarter, the Twitterverse lit up even more brightly. For anyone on Twitter, you didn’t see just individuals passing along some terrific humor or sarcastic thoughts. You saw ads, done in real-time, done rapidly, and done effectively. From some brands. You saw […]
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