One Super Bowl. Millions of social media interactions. How do you sort, find and follow? It’s here: One page. Take a look at Crowdynews 2015 Super Bowl social stream. All you could imagine, and need, in one spot. Automated, aggregated, complete. Easy and fast to launch. Not a resource drain. Proven way to make money […]
At the intersection of news and social media
The wonderful, wild, wide-open nature of social media leaves the door wide open for discourse of any kind – rude, nasty, sharing, loving, informative, political, connective, entertaining, persuasive…story-telling of any kind. All of it has an audience, large, small, gigantic. Newspapers, how are you gathering that audience, the news that can be filtered from the […]
Seeking the ideal, elusive digital revenue metric
Every media company, every paper, every publisher, every ad director has a “favorite” method of tracking digital sales success, beyond the ever-present budget numbers. Part of the reason for a “favorite” checking mechanism has to do with the ever-present question: “How did I really decide on that budget number, and am I confident of the […]
Facebook’s Newswire: Where do publishers fit?
No doubt publishers and editors reading recent reports of Facebook’s Newswire strategy on Poynter and other media sites, had one of two thoughts: 1. Wow, wonder what that will be? 2. Wow, wonder what that means for me? Too early to answer either one intelligently. As with many things, time will tell, though this one […]
What to do?
No silver bullet. There. It’s out; it’s said. Last week’s blog – an enticing title of Four Horsemen of the Media Apocalypse – dissected what drags us down in the push to build a digital model. As a commenter pointed out correctly, the four “horsemen” and riders listed – Mr. Indecisiveness, Turf Fighter, Head In […]
The Four Horsemen of the Media Apocalypse
Sometimes non-industry friends ask for a quick snapshot of the media industry’s trials and tribulations, and where is at all goes from here. Not really a query intended as deep stuff, but conversation; you know, light talk. My standard answer has evolved into the title of this blog, because it’s pretty safe that any phrase with […]
Climbing aboard the life raft
A couple weeks ago The Daily Texan, 114-year-old student newspaper at the University of Texas at Austin, was on the ropes: few ads, dwindling bank account, doubt over its future and no idea what would happen next, but it wasn’t going to be anything to write home about. In one sense, none of that has […]
How do you measure digital sales success?
Maybe you define digital sales success by whether you reached your personal sales goal this month? Or by whether you reached the goal your boss assigned you? Or by how many new customers you called on last month – and sold? Or by whether your ad director is happy? Or – ultimately – by whether […]
J-schools, why do we care about you?
For a journalism school graduate and someone who has been in the news industry practically all of my life, is that a dumb question? For publishers, editors, digital gurus, ad VPs, any media person – 25 or 65 – reading this, what do you think? We live in a world of TLAs. We live in […]
‘Avoid shiny objects’
A publisher colleague of mine, noting my collection of gimme bags that now help me avoid the “paper or plastic question” at the grocery store, asked how many national conventions/conferences have passed in front of my eyes over the years in the newspaper industry. Never thought of it that way, but let’s say conservatively 40. […]